The VCAP-CIA certification shows that you have advanced cloud administration experience and validates your ability to install, configure, and administer complex, single and multi-tenant public/private/hybrid VMware vCloud environments, it also shows that you have continued to enhance your cloud skills, and gives you a new, industry-recognized credential for your list of accomplishments.
To achieve VCAP-CIA status, you must complete two core components, one of the following certifications:
To achieve VCAP-CIA status, you must complete two core components, one of the following certifications:
- VMware Certified Professional – Cloud (VCP-Cloud)
- VMware Certified Professional 5 – Data Center Virtualization (VCP5-DCV)
- VMware Certified Professional 5 – Desktop (VCP5-DT)
And second pass the VCAP-CIA exam
VCAP-CIA Resources: